Many people ask us "How have you been able to remain successful for over 9 years on the Internet?".

This is a fair question.  80% of businesses fail within the first 5 years, and 80% of those businesses fail within the next 5 years.  This means that 96% of ALL business fail within the first 10 years of going into business.

This is a pretty scary number!

What we can tell you is that the online world is a bit different, and we have followed ONE MAIN PRINCIPLE to retain our success and create longevity in our online activities.

This is going to seem really simple....

The reason why we are so successful and able to LIVE LONG is that we:

Understand the "WHY" of Marketing

If you are not having much success online, we want you to answer ONE simple question.

Here is the question:


...sorry we forgot to finish the question, but that is the point. Now apply this question to your niche.

Why are people wanting to lose weight, buy an iPhone, make a lot of money, buy dog clothing, quit smoking, get a better education, buy insurance...

If you can answer the "WHY" within any industry, we can guarantee that you will have given it enough thought to succeed. We can safely say that a good deal of our long term success is a result of understanding the audiences we are marketing to, regardless of the industry.

We think that you will find that there are several answers within any particular industry, and this is where you can start catering to smaller audiences.

Let's just take a look at a couple industries:

Weight Loss

Why are people wanting to lose weight?

Well, there are several reasons...

One, they may want to fit into a bikini for the upcoming vacation or nice summer weather. They may have just been dumped and want to improve their dating life. New Years may have just passed and they could be losing weight as their resolution. What about weddings...people lose weight for weddings.

If you read into an industry like this, things that do not seem so apparent will become quite obvious very quickly. You could easily target these five or six components of this niche now with very targeted campaigns.


Making Money

Why are people wanting to make more money? Well, the obvious reason would be so that they can have more freedom, more stuff...this is true, but you are not answering the real question here.

People want to make more money because they have just lost their job. People want more money because they want to get out of debt. People want more money because they hate their existing jobs. People want more money because they don't want to work forever. People want to make money when they retire and do not want to depend on social security. People want to make money to help with tuition fees or for extra money while they go to school.

If you promote the term "make money" in Google, you are not triggering an are triggering a market. There is a big difference!

You want to target a specific audience if you plan on becoming a successful marketer. People typing in "make money" do not know which audience they are part of and will determine this after they do a few more searches.

A college student might type in "easy way to pay tuition bills" or "earn money while going to school". If you can deliver a targeted site for college students, you could really tap into this niche...

If anyone is having difficulty creating a successful campaign, they should think about the "why" before promoting to the audience. If you cannot figure this out, then chances are that you will not be able to deliver the right info to the right people. If this is the case, pick-up and move to the next industry!

Learn the WHY!  All successful online business regardless of what niche they are promoting to understand their audience!

The big boys and girls of the Internet understand this and create long term businesses based on this principle.

Your tasks for this lesson:

(1) Answer the WHY Question within your niche
(2) List at least 5 reasons why someone would want to do something within your niche (ex. lose weight, buy a car, get their teeth whitened)

Ready to stomp on the grass? 

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