The Internet has changed in a lot since 2002 when we first stepped foot into the Internet Marketing world.

Let's take a closer look at what the Internet is today and what you should be careful about when entering the NEW world.

In essence, what is the Internet? It is the interconnection of millions of web pages. These pages are intertwined through links. These pages contain content, or in short form, words. They are essentially a jumble of words.

Over the years, the Internet has also become gamed more and more by marketers and companies looking to capitalize from these words. Really, words equate to getting listed in Google (either paid or free) so if you can figure out how to get ranked under desired words, you can benefit from it financially.

This is fine and there is a reason why people should be allowed to get their web pages, articles, blogs, or social page listed within the search engine. People should also be allowed to profit from it.

However, the quality of content on the Internet is pure "garbage". Some sources have said up to 90% of all content out there on the world wide web is completely unreliable, misleading, or just a waste of your time.

Google has caught on!...and in a VERY, VERY BIG WAY!

If you write poor quality content now or if you try to trick Google into listing you under a keyword, you will get SLAMMED. Companies like Google that serve content are getting tired of support pages that may be relevant in terms of keyword content, but offer no quality or informational value.

People are starting to get slapped with new rules and policies from almost every direction...due to new rules that companies like Google, Squidoo, EzineArticles and Bing are implementing. Even the FTC has taken measures to prevent bloggers from not letting people know that they are receiving perks for giving good reviews...something that has gone on far too long and has been misleading to blog readers.

That is why we think this is the age of "writing with a passion".

We asked you to list 3 interests in the second lesson.  You should have these written down now, and we are going to ask you to pull these out.  The reason is, you are going to start writing about these niches!

Have you ever tried to write about something that you are not interested in?

It sucks, doesn't it.  It is very hard, tedious, and frankly, your quality is not the best simply because you don't care.

That is why we recommend that your starting point in online business is to write with a passion.  Write what you are interested in...and venture into the niches that you can talk about with ease (or that you can research to get to that point).

Your tasks in this lesson are:

(1) Choose your #1 passion out of the 3. 
(2) Spend 15 minutes in Google making a list of some interesting stuff you didn't know about this niche

Next lesson, we are going to get our hands dirty writing actual articles (content)!

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