There you are, eager to succeed. Heart racing a mile per minute, ideas flying through the brain quicker than it takes to blink, and things are really looking up.
You find out you need a website to succeed online! The problem even with article directories these days is that you need a website in order to make money.
The make money part comes in your ability to either promote someone else's product (as an affiliate), promote your own product, or earn money from ad revenue. In order to sell your product or an affiliate product these days, you need your own website.
IN FACT, and no longer allow affiliate links. Google Adwords no longer allows direct links either.
This is the direction the Internet is headed.
We have great news though...
A website does not have to be tough. Most marketers are for some reason scared of the word "website" and fear the day that they will have to build a site on their own!
Any FOOL (no, we are not calling you a fool) can now build a website. As technology has improved and become cheaper, so have the website building tools. In fact, there are now ways you can build web pages for free!
Building web pages is now also very easy. You don't even need your own domain to get something up and running in minutes (yes, M-I-N-U-T-E-S).
So, what are these secret tools that we use to build sites?
Here is a list of some FREE website/blog tools that you can use:
You can use any one of these tools to get a web page up in minutes.
One Important Point We Want to Make!
Using a free website builder has it's limitations. It can actually lead you in the wrong direction.
Sure, it is fine when you start out, however, you are giving up entire control when you have a website that is on a domain that is not owned by you.
That is why we recommend you get your own website, your own domain...this way you can put yourself in the drivers seat. You can control which direction you want to go, what sort of coding you want on your site, which sort of content, what sort of tests, and put your OWN ads (instead of these companies) on your site.
So how do you obtain this control?
Well, there are ways to do this manually. You need your own website builder, you need your own web hosting, you need to buy a domain...switch DNS, FTP your files, upload,, stumble, punch....
Calm down...we have invented a much easier way to do things.
WA comes a' knockin' again. We don't mean to beat our own drum, but we can help you get your own website up in Wealthy Affiliate. Here is an example of the site you can have up and running on your own don't need to know HTML, you don't need to know how to FTP, and you don't even need to be smart!
We provide the hosting and the easy to use wizard to create the site. So the only thing you need to worry about is the content and maybe going to grab a coffee (or glass of wine, depending on your mood).
These sites are 100% optimized for article directories, SEO and even Pay-per-click marketing!
Get your website up and running in minutes at WA's included!
Today's tasks for you:
(1) Build a site either using a free technology, or with Wealthy Affiliate
(2) On that site, include affiliate links (from Clickbank or otherwise) that are relevant to your article
(3) Link to your website within your article